Project Questionnaire

1. What Are Your Project Objectives?
Waste volume reduction
Product stream opportunity
Through put / capacity
Monomer extraction

2. What Is Your Problem?
Landfill capacity / life cycle / availability of other landfills
Environmental Regulations
Safety and Health Issues
Governmental and legislative mandates
Other liabilities, opportunities and considerations
Does one homogeneous waste stream significantly impact the problem?

3. Do You Have Management Issues?
What is the assessment and definition of state specific environmental and permitting requirements and impacts?
How will communication with the public/media/agency be administered?
Is there cooperation and common goals among stakeholders regarding solid waste management? i.e. power generation, job creation, volume reduction, profitability / sustainability
What is the degree of competition among the stakeholders?
Are there opportunities for project development with synergistic technologies or other partnerships?
What is the degree of political and community support?
Is zoning, environmental assessment, services, utilities, etc. compatible with the project?

4. What Are The Present Solid Waste Disposal Methods?
Waste to Energy Transformation
What is the degree of source separation that is in place or can be put in place?
What is the degree of infrastructure to support each disposal method?
What is the projected intent for future solid waste disposal methods?
What are current economic and social benefits and liabilities attributed to each disposal method?

5. What Is You Solid Waste Collection System?
MRF (Material Recycling Facility) - separates waste streams for disposal methods
Rubbish Sites (informal dumps)
Transfer Stations - satellite collection facility
Commercial Industrial/Special Waste Landfills
Land Application Facilities - fill material, concrete, dirt, rock
Solid Waste Processing/Composting Facilities
Illegal/Unauthorized Dump sites
Hazardous Waste TSD (Treatment Storage and Disposal)
Medical Waste Disposal Facility
Waste to Energy Facility
Where are the sites located and what are the current volumes?

6. What Are Your Waste Sources?
Residential - single/multiple family, apartment, condominium
Commercial - retail trade, office complex
Institutional - medical facilities, schools, prisons
Industrial - manufacturing, chemical processing
Is solid waste managed by the same or differing strategies among each waste source? (see Management Issues #2)
Are there significant threats or opportunities inherent among waste sources?

7. Do You Have A MSW Profile?
What are the waste steams / volumes (tons per seven days) / profile periods (inclusive dates of study)?
What is the degree of accuracy of the profile? - truck scales, generator data, estimate criteria?
What are the seasonal volume considerations?
Who initiated and performed the profile and what is it's scope and purpose?
Is there conflicting data and what is the impact?
Which waste streams from each source are absent or require further definition?
Is there knowledge of pending processes or technologies which will create unique waste problems or significantly impact existing waste streams volumes? (See MSW Stream Profile excel attachment)

8. Have You Considered The Project Economics?
Is there a sustainable feedstock to retire the capital expense? (a 72 tpd tire system requires 2.25 million PTE (passenger tire equivelants) per year)
How will the tipping fee be negotiated and maintained
How will the project be funded?
What are the government/community economic and tax benefit, labor subsidies, etc.
What are the product markets and mode of product distribution

9. How Is The Feedstock Acquired?
Who controls the waste streams? government (federal, municipal), private, mix
Who collects and manages the waste streams?
Who owns and controls the collection / disposal sites?
What are the contractual arrangements? Identity, fee basis - tipping fee, per ton, etc.
What is the competition for the feedstock?
What is the transportation infrastructure at the plant location relative to feedstock acquisition sites and product customers?
What are the current and future volume projections and intervention activity
To what degree will the feedstock need to prepared for processing?

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Cascade Computers