ART – Not Just Recycling

What We Are !!!
Thermal decomposition of organic material through the application of heat in the absence of oxygen.

*Green Technology
The adoption of environmentally friendly tools and methods for energy production, industry, and agriculture.

- The series of activities by which discarded materials are collected, sorted, processed and converted into raw materials and used in the production of new products: Closed-loop recycling: the recovered material is used as an input to make the same product again. Open-loop recycling: the recovered material is used to make lower-value products. Equivalent closed-loop recycling: the recovered material is used in place of virgin material as the input for a similar, but not the same, product. -

- A resource recovery method involving the collection and treatment of a waste product for use as a raw material in the manufacture of the same or a similar product. The EU waste strategy distinguishes between: reuse meant as a material reuse without any structural changes in materials; recycling meant as a material recycling, only, and with a reference to structural changes in products; and recovery meant as an energy recovery only.

*Environmentally Friendly
The phrase environmentally friendly is used to refer to goods or services considered to inflict little harm on the environment. The phrase has been in common usage for at least 20 years and is often added to product advertising or packaging to promote a sale.

What We Aren’t !!!
*Waste Disposal
Landfill and incineration without recovery of heat or electricity are considered simply as waste disposal and do not contribute to fulfilment of recycling quotas.

Incineration is the process of destroying something unwanted through fire.

What We Can Do !!!
*Waste to Energy
Waste to Energy (WTE) is a range of processes usually associated with municipal waste (but also used for industrial waste) where the waste is burned, gasified or digested at a high temperature. Heat energy is recovered from these processes (usually in the form of heat) and is reclaimed to produce steam and/or generate electricity.

-The simultaneous production of electricity and steam from one energy source (eg, natural gas, oil, biomass).

-The sequential production of electricity and useful thermal energy from the same energy source. Natural gas is a favoured fuel for combined-cycle co-generation units, in which waste heat is converted to electricity.

-Cogeneration (also combined heat and power or CHP) is the use of a power station to simultaneously generate both heat and electricity. CHP allows a more total use of energy than conventional generation, potentially reaching an efficiency of 70-90%, compared with approximately 50% for conventional plants. This means that less fuel needs to be consumed to produce the same amount of energy.

Designed by
Cascade Computers